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What's eucaristOS?

eucaristos is a Linux distribution for spontaneous openMosix cluster building. This is a mini-distribution and it's entirely contained in a standard 1.44Mb foppy. The floppy space is largely occupied by the Linux kernel that includes openMosix cluster support. Eucaristos provides also some standard utilities through busybox.

Why eucaristOS?

eucaristos runs on i486 computer with limited memory resources, therefore it can be useful for cluster organization with obslote hardware. Eucaristos includes also the nodes autodiscovering support for easy configuration and fast demonstration of openMosix's features. It's contained in a single floppy, therefore it's easy to carry along.

Why eucaristOS?(2)

The name derives from the spontaneous cluster building feature relized with the openMosix's autodiscovering daemon. eucaristos means eucharist, eucharist means assembly.

how does eucaristOS is made of?

Here the ingredients list:
- linux-2.4.22
- openmosix-linux-2.4.22
- setpe
- mosmon
- omdiscd
- ompt (openmosix performance test)
- shell (ash)
- vi
- modutils
- netutils (ifconfig, ping, route, ecc.)
- varie (cp, mv, rm, ecc.)

For more details read the MANIFEST file

How have you assembled eucaristOS?

I used this instruments:
- make
- gcc
- mkfs.ext2, mkfs.vfat
- dd
- ldd
- mount -o loop
- gzip
- syslinux
- openmosix-tools-0.3.5
- uclibc-0.9.9
- uclibc-toolchain-0.9.9
- udhcp-0.9.8
- qemu

Installing eucaristOS

To install eucaristOS on a floppy execute this command:
        # dd if=eucaristos.img of=/dev/fd0
Insert the floppy and power up your computer, making sure the BIOS is set up with boot from floppy.

Using eucaristOS

Execute eucaristos in at least two network connected computers. A DHCP server is necessary for automatic allocation of IP address, if your net does not have one execute eucaristOS as server (see boot parameter). Run mosmon, the openmosix monitor, or ompt, the node performance evaluator, to verify that works.

Possible employs

eucaristOS can be useful for spontaneous cluster building for openmosix testing or demonstration. Moreover it can be valid for minimal cluster building (with only openMosix as service) to which one joins a computer that can take advantage of (eg. seti@home, parallel processing, molecular rendering, etc.).
Here a sample scheme:
